Sunday, March 23

Day 16-Day 19

Well, I haven't posted these last couple of days because I've been attending the USITT conference (United States Institute of Theater Technology). I figured I wouldn't bore you all with daily updates of the seminars I've been attending, but instead just give you a brief overview of the last few days. So, my daily routine basically consisted of attending between 3 to 5 seminars a day; some as early as 8:00am and some running as late as 10:30pm. In between seminars, I would go into the stage expo area. This is where dealers, vendors, manufacturers, schools, professional theaters, etc... had booths set up to show what they had to offer. An added bonus with all of this was that I saw some old friends that I hadn't seen in a while; some since college, and even a former Woodberry student! Overall it was a great time, and if possible, I'm going to try and make it to USITT every year, or atleast every other year.

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