Saturday, April 12

Day 37

Today we went up to Lake Tahoe. The road was nice, but it was COLD! Luckily I had my new heated gloves, and so I fared much better than Renaud! I even had to turn the gloves off from time to time because my hands got too warm! Anyways, Tahoe was pretty. Took a couple of pictures and had lunch by the lake. Then we went back to the house in Reno. Later that afternoon we met up with Dawn, a doctor from the vet hospital Renaud works at, and Mike at Black Rock Pizza for an early dinner. Both were very nice, and we had a pleasant time; the pizza was pretty darn good too! After this we went down to the Brewhouse for some drinks and to play a little video poker; after all this is Nevada, land of gambling. Unfortunately, neither Renaud nor I had any luck that evening, but that’s gambling for you. After this we just went back to the house. I did some laundry while we relaxed, because tomorrow I’m taking off back into California and then north into Oregon and Washington state.

Here are the pictures from up around Lake Tahoe:

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