Sunday, March 16

Day 12

Started out much as yesterday, got up, shower, breakfast, etc.... Late in the morning, Alex, his sister True, and myself took about 6 or 7 of Alex's gun and went out target shooting. It's been a while since I've done this, and I had a load of fun. We shot several kinds of guns, from .22's to AK's! All were fun and made me think about getting back into this sort of thing when I get back home. We also drove around the property where we went to shoot. Afterwards, we went to meet Alex & True's mother who was with her uncle, who was having a picnic of sorts. He's in the forestry business, and apparently every year he has a group of yale forestry students come down to Alabama and spend a week with him. Had a great lunch, and some good conversation with some new people. Then back to the house in Mobile to relax for a little bit. I did a little bit of packing to get ready for my departure towards New Orleans tomorrow, and also got in a little nap. Then this evening we went back to Alex's mother's uncle's house for another group dinner/get-together. His house is on Dog River, and it was just beautiful; both scenery wise as well as temperature wise. Not to mention the great food as well! Now I'm back at the house in Mobile and just getting my things all packed up and ready to go for tomorrow.

Next stop, New Orleans!

Pics from today:

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