Thursday, April 24

Day 50

Slept in again this morning. Spent most of the day hanging out in Jordan’s room while he went and took his last exam. When he got back, we went and picked up my motorcycle from the HD dealership. Later that evening, Jordan, myself and a bunch of his friends all went out for dinner at a local Mongolian restaurant. It was really good. It’s basically a buffet of vegetables, meats, and a third of buffet bar with sauces and spices. You fix yourself a bowl with whatever mixture of veggies and meats that you want, pick out a sauce, and then take it to the guys operating the grill, and they grill it all up for you! All in all, it made for a great dinner, with good company. Then we spent the rest of the evening watching some more TV before going to bed.

Tomorrow, I continue east.

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