Thursday, April 17

Day 43

A good day of ridding today, I made up all the way up to Townsend Port, WA where I had planned to spend the night, but when I got there, I found the motel rates were just too high. Also, the ferry over the continuation of route 20 was closed due to high winds. So I backtracked a bit and headed to Kingston where I planned to take the ferry back to the mainland. In the end I ended up spending the night in a reasonably priced motel in Kingston.
The roads today were great and scenic, however, I didn’t stop very often to take pictures because it was either raining or sprinkling almost all day long. Got to love the pacific northwest! Also, temperature wise it was only in the low 40’s! Thank god for heated gloves and foot warmers. It was pretty cool though going up through forests of Douglas firs where every now and then I’d come across a section that had been clear cut, and then at other spots I’d see signs saying that this section had been replanted in the 80’s, or 90’s, or just a few years ago.

Here are the few pictures that I did take today:

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